Pesticide Warehouse and Blending Facility
New Orleans, LA
SEMS was contracted to perform remedial activities at an inactive pesticide warehouse and blending facility located in New Orleans, Louisiana. The blending operational area contained DNAPL Perchloroethylene (PCE).
Excavation of contaminated soil and debris was accomplished inside a moveable Enclosed Remedial Activities Building (ERAB). The ERAB measured 65 feet wide and 84 feet long. Roll up doors at each end of the building allowed access for trucks to remove excavated material from the building. A unique air lock was utilized to allow ingress and egress of workers and equipment while maintaining negative air pressure within the building. An air handling system was utilized to maintain negative air pressure within the building. All air removed from the system was directed to 10,000-pound carbon filtration systems prior to release to the atmosphere. There were no fugitive emission releases to the atmosphere during the project.
All work performed within the ERAB was done with supplied breathing air for all workers. After completing excavation activities in each designated area, the ERAB was relocated to the next excavation area and secured prior to excavation of impacted soils.
The project involved the demolition of a 40,000 square foot warehouse. SEMS demolished the structure utilizing stringent dust control measures to minimize dust being released to the atmosphere during the demolition process. Roof pea gravel was removed prior to demolition. Any gravel that remained on the roof was encapsulated prior to demolition.
The project involved cleaning of approximately 900 feet of storm sewer adjacent to the property. Pipe sizes ranged from 8 inch to 21 inch. Sewers were cleaned utilizing high pressure jetting equipment assisted by vacuum removal of sewer sediment and sludge.
The project site received final acceptance from the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality and no further action was required. The property was then ready for the New Orleans real estate market.
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